Tara Starr St John (tara)'s status on Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:25:12 UTC

  1. @anarchycarcino OH MY GOD I keep trying to reply to your comment and I have to retype this AGAIN because I forgot to copy. >.< lol But anyways, I just realized that I can't talk about it on this site anyways ( so it might be a good thing xD). But let's just say I can get rather hateful toward men due to how so many little girls and women are treated in that *certain* manner. It's too bed I can't be completely clear on what I mean, but let's just say that I can't even enjoy a lot of movies anymore due to how women are portrayed and how they dress (action movies especially). But not with all men, of course. Especially not in a site like a MLP forum, lol.

    Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:25:12 UTC from web in context