


    Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:46:57 UTC from web
    1. @pony Hmm?

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:47:35 UTC from web
      1. @tara I hate dealing with life.

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:49:30 UTC from web
        1. @pony Still not quite following. Relapse on what and why?

          Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:52:09 UTC from web
          1. @tara So basically, my life is great right now. Stress is down, I have little reason to feel depressed, and I'm medicated. but every day is still a struggle against old habits that I'm not free to discuss on the public timeline. I've been almost perfectly clean for about 8 months, but still I'm having issues. Maybe if I go completely nazi on my restrictions I'll feel better. I've been careful, but not too careful about relapsing so from time to time I wind up getting a bit "buzzed" *sigh* well.. it's easiest to just acknowledge it and not dwell on it.. Gotta keep moving forward. Still, it's nice to vent. I need a better place for said venting. Maybe I should start going to group therapy again.

            Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:59:07 UTC from web
            1. @pony Whoa how long did it take you to write that

              Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:00:06 UTC from web
              1. @blues4th *shrugpony* xD

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:00:46 UTC from web
                1. @pony Hahaha awe funny!

                  Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:02:22 UTC from web
            2. @pony Baby I'm always here for you.

              Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:01:42 UTC from web
              1. @anarchycarcino *glomp*

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:01:59 UTC from web
              2. @anarchycarcino Whut?

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:02:01 UTC from web
              3. @anarchycarcino And by that I mean I'm a whore.

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:02:22 UTC from web
            3. @pony Oh I was expecting some sad story, but that actually sounds pretty awesome. I'm sure you'll feel better over time, that's how addictions work, right? And it might actually be better to get that little buzz once in a while for now if the urge is really high. Because if you hold it all in, then there's a bigger chance that you'll REALLY relapse. Like those girls who starve themselves or don't let themselves eat anything decent for a long time, and then end up bringing big time because they couldn't take it anymore. And if you're feeling depressed about it, then you should definitely go to therapy for advice. /hug c:

              Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:06:13 UTC from web
              1. @tara So, friend. Are you familiar with vices?

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:07:24 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino I had to Google the term up to refresh my memory a bit, but ya. Why?

                  Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:09:18 UTC from web
                  1. @tara Got any?

                    Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:09:41 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchycarcino OH MY GOD I keep trying to reply to your comment and I have to retype this AGAIN because I forgot to copy. >.< lol But anyways, I just realized that I can't talk about it on this site anyways ( so it might be a good thing xD). But let's just say I can get rather hateful toward men due to how so many little girls and women are treated in that *certain* manner. It's too bed I can't be completely clear on what I mean, but let's just say that I can't even enjoy a lot of movies anymore due to how women are portrayed and how they dress (action movies especially). But not with all men, of course. Especially not in a site like a MLP forum, lol.

                      Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:25:12 UTC from web
                      1. @tara Oh? I would love to hear about it. Maybe Send me a message or contact me on another medium?

                        Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:26:44 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchycarcino Nah, talking about it puts me in a sour mood actually. If I ever feel like venting about it though, I'll let you know.

                          Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:29:37 UTC from web
                          1. @tara Thanks, I'm good at the listening bit for people.

                            Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:30:35 UTC from web
              2. @tara ^_^ Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah. There's a fine line I'm having a hard time not crossing. I might just try tightening up restrictions more temporarily and seeing how that works out. I guess it'd be unreasonable to cut myself off from every situation where I could be exposed to temptation

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:09:43 UTC from web
    2. @thatonestocking Or if you don't wash your hands.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:10:00 UTC from web
    3. @thatonestocking That's what the problem is? Don't most guys do that? lol

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:10:47 UTC from web
      1. @tara @nerthos @thatonestocking lulz! ^_^ most seem to do it, yeah. I have a wife which makes things both more and less difficult in different ways

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:12:33 UTC from web
    4. @thatonestocking Or if you're a hook-hand pirate!

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:12:27 UTC from web
    5. @thatonestocking I was actually not referring to that. I was talking about visiting sites with nsfw content. #

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 05:09:53 UTC from web