Tara Starr St John (tara)'s status on Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:06:13 UTC

  1. @pony Oh I was expecting some sad story, but that actually sounds pretty awesome. I'm sure you'll feel better over time, that's how addictions work, right? And it might actually be better to get that little buzz once in a while for now if the urge is really high. Because if you hold it all in, then there's a bigger chance that you'll REALLY relapse. Like those girls who starve themselves or don't let themselves eat anything decent for a long time, and then end up bringing big time because they couldn't take it anymore. And if you're feeling depressed about it, then you should definitely go to therapy for advice. /hug c:

    Monday, 30-Jul-12 04:06:13 UTC from web in context