Robert (whiterose)'s status on Monday, 27-Aug-12 14:43:45 UTC

  1. @pony Sorry ended up getting offline. Well my 98 Astro Van is out of commission and I walked to the hospital to see my friend before her surgery as a comfort to her. On the way however I saw a squirrel on a four lane highway and slowed my pace to nothing. I then backed up seeing that it was about to be hit and it ran the shortest distance to safety, near me in this case. I felt I saved its life and it made me feel good. I then proceeded to the Hospital and I didn't get to see my friend till they wheeled her to the OR. As she passed she smiled and called my nickname she gave me. I smiled back and waited till she was in OR and continued back here, where I work.

    Monday, 27-Aug-12 14:43:45 UTC from web in context