Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Friday, 31-Aug-12 12:43:44 UTC

  1. @spamcan I actually prefer this system. I think they're so different in terms of playstyle that it's just down to personal preference. (Besides, this is the company that re-released FF7 for the PC without fixing any of the issues people had with the port. We're lucky the screen isn't split 4 ways so that they could include a virtual buttonpad to control your partner) That said, it's using the full length master recordings of all the in game audio, and the redone graphics look great on my iPad screen, so even if you do consider the altered partner system a negative, it's still balanced out somewhat.

    Friday, 31-Aug-12 12:43:44 UTC from web in context