mr. no (punctuation)'s status on Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:49:07 UTC

  1. @tdunn79 But here's the thing, I do like FPS games, as long as their actually unique and fun. Look at Borderlands 2, millions and millions of guns that are actually unique and not all the same basic guns you'd always get, corrosive shotguns that have blades at the end for better melee, a pistol you can toss away and it'll explode depending where you threw it, setting things on fire with an SMG that reloads by rolling a circle to get the juices flowing, Complex A.I. that actually interact with the surroundings by throwing rocks n' stuff at you, all these things makes Borderlands, imo, superior to say CoD or BF3 or Homefront or whatever else they have out there.

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:49:07 UTC from web in context