

  1. so what games are ya'll ready for

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:36:01 UTC from web
    1. @tdunn79 Linux games :(

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:36:30 UTC from web
    2. @tdunn79 i should keep playing Assassin's creed 1

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:39:13 UTC from web
    3. @pyravia Eeewwwww BF3...

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:39:29 UTC from web
    4. @pyravia exactly what he said

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:42:26 UTC from web
    5. @pyravia i've never played that, but i'm sure i'd deslike that because FPS

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:42:47 UTC from web
    6. @pyravia Actually I just don't like Modern Military FPS games, as they are just dime a dozen with all the repetitive game play and so little creativity, restricting features, little gun variety, etc.

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:43:41 UTC from web
      1. @nixter oh well you're opinion we can't stop you from disliking FPS's

        Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:44:53 UTC from web
        1. @tdunn79 Oh man, I remember getting seasick from playing DOOM after wolfenstein. I thought I'd never be able to play FPS games again D:

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:46:22 UTC from web
        2. @tdunn79 But here's the thing, I do like FPS games, as long as their actually unique and fun. Look at Borderlands 2, millions and millions of guns that are actually unique and not all the same basic guns you'd always get, corrosive shotguns that have blades at the end for better melee, a pistol you can toss away and it'll explode depending where you threw it, setting things on fire with an SMG that reloads by rolling a circle to get the juices flowing, Complex A.I. that actually interact with the surroundings by throwing rocks n' stuff at you, all these things makes Borderlands, imo, superior to say CoD or BF3 or Homefront or whatever else they have out there.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:49:07 UTC from web
          1. @nixter I've flushed things that are better videogames than Homefront.

            Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:50:55 UTC from web
      2. @nixter Red Eclipse, Xonotic and Warsow for best FPS games :P

        Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:48:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @omni Never played them, I'll look into them.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:50:20 UTC from web
          1. @nixter They're arena shooters, a genre which pretty much died out in the 90s. They're good and completely free (as in beer and as in freedom) games, though.

            Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:51:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @omni So I guess I'll check it out.

              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:52:53 UTC from web
            2. @omni They're also twitch shooters, if I remember right.

              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:54:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @bitshift I'm not sure what the term really means, but it sounds like something which they'd fall under.

                Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:56:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @omni Basically that the gunplay (and often movement) is very fast-paced, often so much so that the very best players need to operate on sheer instinct to stand a chance when competing against others on their level.

                  Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:59:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @bitshift I'd say they are then, yes.

                    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:01:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    7. @pyravia the word "best" doesnt go with FPSs

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:46:44 UTC from web
    8. @pyravia agreed

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:49:26 UTC from web
    9. @pyravia What exactly do you mean with "sandbox"?

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:50:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    10. @pyravia I'm thinking of "players editing a map as you play on it" a la Red Eclipse here, but that's probably not what you mean.

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:53:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    11. @pyravia And 8 year olds, don't forget them,

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:57:27 UTC from web
    12. @pyravia Ah, you mean huge. What about Planetside, then? That game had 256 vs 256 IIRC

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:00:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    13. @pyravia Look at a CoD's player's Gamertag, then compare games, what you'll find: Every CoD game since CoD: Modern Warfare, Halo: Reach, Halo: CEA, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:00:45 UTC from web
    14. @pyravia Yeah we all know CoD sucks, and I'm just saying I think BF3 should belong in the same group as it, too. But Re: Opinions

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:04:06 UTC from web
    15. @pyravia I'm talking about BF3 and CoD game in general. I've played BF3, and all the CoD games I'm talking about. (MW3,2,1 and Blops)

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:13:00 UTC from web
    16. @pyravia I'll stick with shooting Snipers with barrels at midgets mmkay? (That's Borderlands 2 for ya)

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:15:38 UTC from web