A Big Pony (bigpony)'s status on Thursday, 15-Nov-12 11:46:52 UTC

  1. @darkly9 Well the way I see it is that instead of throwing around the image of a great queen and reinforcing an idea of a strong central figure that knows best for everyone, they just changed the word. I believe "queen" is all-too-often seen otherwise as more of one who knows best for all, wants the best for everyone and as far as America has gone, we've pretty much replaced that role with President (though unglorifying it through business ethics and the like, something the youth can't connect on) and we want power to remain as is instead of reinforcing an idea of a monarchal ruler. It's turned sorta as a societal statement to... meaningless jargon over the years and whether we do away with it or not it doesn't matter. In the same vein, I believe this topic's been delved into in a few articles and I remember one mentioning it's connection to places like European countries where they have a queen but a more educated public as to their role and it seems to be used more often there.

    Thursday, 15-Nov-12 11:46:52 UTC from web in context