Omni (omni)'s status on Monday, 17-Dec-12 16:00:54 UTC

  1. @celestiaforequestria Because I had 8 hours of school, eight lessons total, of which four lessons would be self-study hours, two lessons wouldn't be telling me anything I didn't know yet and one lesson was a test. Therefore, only one lesson would be "worth my time". The fact that my phone's battery is utterly broken makes everything a lot harder, because I can't listen to music for longer than 25 minutes before I have to recharge my phone again, but it was less awful than I expected. Also, today I got an e-mail about my FSFE Fellowship SmartCard being printed successfully, and that I could expect it to arrive in the coming days, yay! <3

    Monday, 17-Dec-12 16:00:54 UTC from web in context