amaris's status on Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 19:14:14 UTC

  1. @critialcloudkicker No... I agree with you, whole-heartedly! I'm content with where I am as well, whether or not it's something I've been looking forward to. So long as I have my loved ones and we're all safe, I think that's what's most important. ^^ I honestly don't care for money or anything regarding that matter... it just doesn't make me happy. I've learned that even if it did grant some form of happiness, it's only temporary joy and nothing one should crave to such an unhealthy extent. It shouldn't be placed above things which really bring that joy! Anyway, I digress... If you consider your mind asynchronous, then perhaps that's the way other minds should be, I think!

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 19:14:14 UTC from web in context