Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Sunday, 24-Mar-13 18:56:34 UTC

  1. @archon Fracturization of the PC gaming market. We are "used" in a sense to buy digital properties as it comes to games, and no doubt almost everyone has Steam installed with a couple of games on it. But You can not get any of the Valve games outside of Steam nowadays, And neither can you get any EA games outside of Origin. Although there is a possibility that you can get EA games on Uplay in the near future... Meanwhile EA is looking to make Simcity and Command&Conquer more like service platforms than actual games. Having your assets ( as in, things that cost money ) spread out over multiple instances of online digital content subscribers... I can see that as a bad thing.

    Sunday, 24-Mar-13 18:56:34 UTC from web in context