Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:36:19 UTC

  1. @cabal Lets see if I remember well enough how this works to explain it. When you are born you get 2 copies for every gene 1 from mommy and 1 from daddy, both of which have an ABO code for blood. ( also the Rh factor, which is always either positive or negative ) Then if you would make a punnet square knowing only my dad's side ... Oh wait, yea there is a chance I might actually have AB blood, but only if my dad has a dominant O and code for A ( or B ) in his genetic code, and my mom had B ( or A ) with no genetic code for O. Those chances are however, very slim compared to being pure A pure B or pure O ( which are in turn slim when compared to having a dominant A B or O with code for A or B or O ) ... You know I would need my mom's blood type for this.

    Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:36:19 UTC from web in context