Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 25-Apr-13 00:17:04 UTC

  1. @flamingpandaomg We have something called "Euroknallers" and they are ... well... ... And I barely think that is worth it. I guess I should be thankfull that I can ( if I really want to ) go to the McDonnalds... As I did in Feb of '12 when there were ponies in the happymeal... But they are not close enough to actually remedy the "eating out" vs "make your own food" on the scale of "effort" if you know what I am saying... Also I do not have a car. I have a bike, and I still need to learn how to use my scates.

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 00:17:04 UTC from web in context