Addison (shadoweclipse)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:52:59 UTC

  1. @tenebarius You know "You're gonna rattleshake and bring the heat. you show the haters when you sweep 'em right off their feet. You're gonna cast out your light cover them in your glow the world is now your garden give 'em love to grow." Like don't let anyone get you down and eventually you'll show 'em that you can do it. And also "Carrot Top don't be hopeless, You're a late star time to fool us. Keep your friends close their what drive you to the cosmos that describe you." That persuades to like never give up and to always know that your friends will be there for you to help you up and keep you going at it. I could say more, but I'm running out of characters.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 01:52:59 UTC from web in context