Chris Bell (mrdragon)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:52:13 UTC

  1. @funkyflump You suit your avatar very well then, I myself am very hands on. i just recentlly left poundstretcher after a year and a bit. A lot of hands on work, I focused on delivary and stock work. But I enjoyed the till work all much as well. At the moment I am waiting for a fairground company I am going to work for, owned by Michael and Craig who travel around the country to place the final agreements on their sites accross the country then I go to them and work as well. Going to be fun work, one I hit 21 get in and get my truck licences out the way and move the attractions around the country. Hard, but damn will I enjoy it.

    Sunday, 17-Jul-11 14:52:13 UTC from web in context