LCpl Azure Blaze (lcplazureblaze)'s status on Tuesday, 01-Oct-13 17:29:00 UTC

  1. @arcanepony43 Other than that things have been great. My grades have been better than the rest of my high school years and I haven't had any homework lately. Also soccer season is almost over which means I will be having a lot more free time on my hands. This also means I can resume going to pool functions so I can get into the Marines. They will look at recruiting me in May but with the nation being like this and all we don't know when they will start hiring again... It will turn out in the end though. My recruiter likes me A LOT and he really wants to see me get in so he will pull many strings so that I can.

    Tuesday, 01-Oct-13 17:29:00 UTC from web in context