Ryan Young (citrusrain)'s status on Friday, 22-Jul-11 19:31:11 UTC

  1. @leonkfox Yeah... Last fall, My stepdad would be telling me not everything I read on the Internet is true (i had been getting into reading slashdot and stuff) then he goes and tells me that there's nothing wrong with fox news. I was stunned. And then when I showed my brother's friend's mom an article about a school district having a mock election with democrat-only ballots and bribing them with ice-cream. SHE BELIEVED EVERY WORD and I couldn't manage to explain the wrongness. Her kids ALL knew it was obvious lies. Even the 11 year old. And this is in a bery democratic area.

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 19:31:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context