Astra (astra)'s status on Friday, 22-Jul-11 19:48:09 UTC

  1. @princessluna Been keeping an eye on that online as well. (No TV near my office, and not a fan of TV, anyway, news or otherwise.) Gave up on CNN on the online side, too, when they splashed a giant hysteria-and-pure-hype-mongering headline of "NORWAY UNDER ATTACK!" on their page. Yes, it's a terrible tragedy, but, to my knowledge, no declarations of war have been made, and enemy armies are not sweeping through the Scandinavian countryside. So, mostly hitting the BBC site. Praying for the folks over there. Going to be very curious as to what brought this about. Also worried about how everyone will respond. What a whacko world we live in. No wonder we need ponies.

    Friday, 22-Jul-11 19:48:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context