Pony (pony)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Nov-13 23:46:17 UTC

  1. !BYU !utahbronies
    If room 377 isn't available or we have technical difficulties there for whatever reason then we'll hold the viewing in the neighboring room 381.

    Also, The building opens at 6 a.m. so if any want to attend the mini marathon arriving early might or might not mean you have to wait til the doors are unlocked.

    You'll find parking if you drive up 1060 N. street. It's a Saturday so just park in a non-service vehicle space and you'll be fine.
    Refer to this map for details: http://goo.gl/maps/Dp5Tt

    Note that the roads around this part of campus have changed recently so you may find outdated maps. The one I linked here is accurate.

    Wednesday, 20-Nov-13 23:46:17 UTC from web in context