Sam daphnes nohansen hyrule (awesam15)'s status on Friday, 03-Jan-14 00:10:05 UTC

  1. @chaosmagic Yep. skyward sword, minish cap, ocarina of time , (three way split between 1hero is defeated, 2adult, and 3child) 1 a link to the past, the oracle series, links awakening, a link between worlds, zelda one, and zelda two. 2 wind waker, phantom hourglass, and spirit tracks. 3majoras mask, twilight princess, four swords, four swords adventures. of course there was the creation of hyrule, the war5 between demise and the goddess hylia for the posession of the triforce, and all games to come. (in the future)

    Friday, 03-Jan-14 00:10:05 UTC from web in context