Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Sunday, 09-Feb-14 03:47:36 UTC

  1. Actual Gmod chat from last night:

    DeathKiller77: Stop killing me
    DeathKiller77 has been killed by MrMattimation
    DeathKiller77 has been killed by Super_Sebas
    DeathKiller77: Hacks
    DeathKiller77 has been killed by MrMattimation
    DeathKiller77: If u kill me one more time im going to DDoS you
    DeathKiller77 has been killed by Super_Sebas
    DeathKiller77: im telling
    DeathKiller77: i have the admin on a skype call right now
    DeathKiller77: also i have console access
    DeathKiller77: and i can ban u
    DeathKiller77: so say goodbye

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 03:47:36 UTC from web in context