naa's status on Friday, 29-Jul-11 15:03:32 UTC

  1. @theowl Well I gotta confess, even though I do enjoy watching WWE nowadays (it's improved a lot in 2011 since I felt it started going down hill) I don't think it's just nostalgia that makes me hate John Cena as "the big man" in WWE, I love CM Punk and The Miz and they weren't part of my childhood, I just don't like Cena period. Same goes for other things I like like Thomas (hey, this is an FiM community, I hold no shame!) the characters were much more well rounded than they are today, sometimes nostalgia can blind one's judgement, but it isn't always the deciding factor I feel.

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 15:03:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context