naa's status on Friday, 29-Jul-11 15:11:48 UTC

  1. @theowl I guess I can see where you're coming from, and I have fallen into it at times I must admit, but then again, who hasn't? And in a lot of the instances with me it felt like there were actually problems with these things at the very core. But an example of a fanbase that I feel is heavily blinded by nostalgia is the Sonic fanbase, yes there have been plenty of bad newer games (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 06...*shudders*) but even with the series improving people are still going on and on and on about how they don't live up to the Mega Drive games even when they can easily be seen as good games in their own right. It's irritating as all hell.

    Friday, 29-Jul-11 15:11:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context