RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Tuesday, 27-May-14 05:26:59 UTC

  1. @mrmattimation It applies to both genders in one case or another. There's lots of females that think that men are out to get them, and there's lots of males that think that women are out to lie to and ruin them. They both have examples to endorse their points, but they're also horribly generalizing, and the way to solve it is to catch the guilty, not to blame a gender, because otherwise everyone would be blamed. In my opinion the way to solve it is to teach self defense, but also to teach how and when to use it, and make clear and strong punishments for its misuse, because otherwise lots of innocents would be harmed due to sheer paranoia.

    Tuesday, 27-May-14 05:26:59 UTC from web in context