Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 03:04:30 UTC

  1. "Since I’m pre-t I still have my period but since I’m socially out as trans I use men’s bathrooms. One time at the college the family bathroom was taken and so I went into the men’s room to do my business. I tried opening the little pad as quietly as I could manage, but the rustling and ripping sound still happened. I froze in silence because I didn’t know if the other guy in the men’s room heard it or not.

    Then after a little bit of silence I hear…

    "Who has a bag of chips?"

    And in a panic I just whisper back to him “I’m not sharing.”

    Then I hear a huff before he finished his business and left."

    Tuesday, 17-Jun-14 03:04:30 UTC from web in context