Lee (beatstrings)'s status on Sunday, 22-Jun-14 05:04:44 UTC

  1. You know that thing I said about vandalism yesterday? Well, what I did is basically something like this: Draw on free paper and stolen pencil. (borrowed, never returned) Done drawing, walk by the official board of notifications in my university. Take one of the tacks I saw on the board, leave it there, I took a pic of it, but since I'm such aware some don't like WIPs (I think it was) I continued to work to make it digital art on it until I pass out. So, TL:DR !ART because why not keep a twilight while you're at your day? Have a nice day/night everyone! http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/765300

    Sunday, 22-Jun-14 05:04:44 UTC from web in context