Solidus Sans (liquidusmira)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 03:56:37 UTC

  1. @phoenixswift !calgarybronies That's probably the perfect quote in this context. It's hard for me to choose which one I want (although I have a pretty good idea!). @darcyblue I've never really been good at Stepmania, but I'll give it a shot! I probably won't try tomorrow because it's my birthday and I'll probably be busy all day, but I may try it on Thursday since I have the day off. Just as a note, everypony, I talked to my manager and he's willing to let me have every other Saturday off, so I should be able to come to all future meetups. Huzzah!

    Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 03:56:37 UTC from web in context