loveydoe's status on Thursday, 10-Jul-14 05:22:58 UTC

  1. @nerthos His idea is that here in the West we are brought at birth into a place with a puritanical work ethic which only seems to reward us after we are too old to enjoy it. There is a fable about an ant and a grasshopper in which the ant works all day and survives but the grasshopper dies because he plays a fiddle instead of hoarding food. Some have rewritten the story, giving the grasshopper a job at the end in a different insect's house to play dinner music for a wage of food, thus leaning the moral in favor of "following your cutie mark". The ant is following his vocation by working all day, but that's not the vocation of the cricket.

    Thursday, 10-Jul-14 05:22:58 UTC from web in context