Matt (zeldatra)'s status on Saturday, 19-Jul-14 01:00:54 UTC

  1. So, apparently today Apple shipped out a new iMac model. Rather than replacing its predecessors, it's joining them as a third 21.5 inch model. It's 15 percent cheaper than the previous low-end model, but that comes at the price of it being 50 percent less efficient as well.

    With a 1.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, 8GB of (soldered, non-upgradable RAM), a 500GB hard drive at 5400RPM (this can be upgraded to a 1TB Fusion Drive or a 256GB SSD), and Intel HD Graphics 5000, one would think Apple took apart a 2013 Macbook Air and stuck it in an iMac chassis.

    Saturday, 19-Jul-14 01:00:54 UTC from web in context