Crusader 8 (princelypublictimeline)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 07:09:50 UTC

  1. @northernnarwhal i actually yelled at him one day to stop telling his stepdaughter about the vaccine stuff (she has aspergers) because she's smart enough to know better but she just kind of goes along with whatever he says because of his rhetoric. I was like "you need to stop telling her it's one way when you dont even have all the facts, you dont even know what it's like being in her shoes so I think she deserves a peace of mind that comes from the truth and not your idea of how the world works." Then i added "oh and stop telling your friends that god puts the mentally handicapped on earth to test normal people, she wouldnt appreciate hearing that and neither do i because im not here to serve your headcanon"

    Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 07:09:50 UTC from web in context