Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 23:07:46 UTC

  1. @mrmattimation That's not the only argument. And the team that worked on the originals is pretty important, because it basically means NV was closer to what fans loved about the originals even though people who never even played them criticized NV for deviating from 3. And funny enough, while the world was nicer, that's pretty much the only point you can make for FO3. Bethesda are great at building gorgeous worlds that end up being full of mediocre gameplay. Although, with that in mind, the world map in NV is considerably less cluttered. The DC area in FO3 is a great example of this, where there's pretty much rubble everywhere obfuscating your path so you're not exploring some vast world as much as following a sort of junkyard hallway. In NV you can see and to go places much further in the horizon, and it also has a lot more hub towns like the originals. It was much more logically arranged and it didn't feel like a chore to explore.

    Wednesday, 06-Aug-14 23:07:46 UTC from web in context