Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Monday, 08-Sep-14 22:19:23 UTC

  1. @purplebear His dialogues are all really interesting as well. Specifically I've recently been reading The Republic, and he makes interesting points on how in an ideal society doesn't need art as art is merely an imitation of reality, and therefore an inferior distraction. However, it's ironic because it's being told through a dramatic dialogue, which in itself is a work of art. One of Plato's students, Aristotle, actually touches upon this in one of his works and explains how art in itself can used a form of catharsis from reality ("catharsis" actually coming from the Greek κάθαρσις meaning "purification"). All really interesting stuff.

    Monday, 08-Sep-14 22:19:23 UTC from web in context