Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Sunday, 07-Aug-11 11:44:07 UTC

  1. @ignaesia It's most noticable with the more deeply voiced cast members. You pick it up clearly with Applejack because it doesn't interact well with her accent. Think of how she sounded on Poison Joke and take it down a couple of notches and you'll be in the right sort of area. It really highlights that Rainbow Dash has a lisp because it makes her voice sound a lot more harsh. It's not everyone though. Spike sounds normal, as do Big Macintosh and Mayor Mare, and whoever was complaining about Ditzy Doo in Winter Wrap Up. If anyone owns some audio-capture equipment and some recordings of the british version of the show, I'd be quite interested in comparing the waveforms of character speech.

    Sunday, 07-Aug-11 11:44:07 UTC from web in context