Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Sunday, 16-Nov-14 23:53:57 UTC

  1. @m14brony Hmm, well, Do you know Tit's ? ... Someone who kept them as a hobby created a company specialized in meat or so the story goes, they needed a name I guess, and someone is not good with names... ( The Dutch name is "Vink" ) creating the "Slavink" ( ... which would openly translate into "lettuce tit" ) and the "blinde vink" ( ... blind tit ) ... Basically it is just seasoned Ground meat ( from cattle/cows ) with a bacon or ham wrapping... Throw it in a hot pan with sufficient oil ( do not get the bacon or ham to stick ) and make it golden brown all around... Too bad that the seasoning is pretty much a secret amongst competattors ( what can I say... 1850 had a lot of corporate spies ) cus the stuff is awesome

    Sunday, 16-Nov-14 23:53:57 UTC from web in context