adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Friday, 05-Dec-14 14:00:12 UTC

  1. I finished playing LA Noire this morning. Over all it is an average game. I like the amount of detail the developers added to the city and it looks like a real populated city. It would have been better if there weren't stupid object popups and texture popups all over the place. Those were really distracting and took me out of the game. I had less an issue with the rather old looking graphics. The dialog system was also not very intuitive. The outcomes were very unexpected and rather harsh in tone. I'd like to have a little excerpt of the question like in adventure games. I admired the facial mocap very much. It's a truly awesome to see. It irked me that the designers kept the reflection of the ring light of capturing system. Also the hard black shadows seem to make the faces uncanny. In one instance a black boxer had darker skin on the body than on the face. The intuition point system is practically only fixing the broken dialog system. I was disappointed by the ending.

    Friday, 05-Dec-14 14:00:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid