m14brony's status on Saturday, 13-Dec-14 05:40:15 UTC

  1. @nerthos If I used your methods in a basic critical thinking course I was required to take, I would have failed the course. You simply make assertions and you expect me to take your word as good coin. I never expected anyone to take my word as good coin, and this is why I posted links to sources. Your method explains nothing. Who these "undesirables" are and how they wreck things isn't explained, the prevalence of the public hospital conditions you describe isn't explained. How many of them have this problem? Ten percent in one province? Thirty percent nationwide? All if them nationwide? And even if we assume all of them have such problems, why is that? Is it under-investment as my sources note when it comes to public hospitals with such problems? Is it an inherent flaw in universal healthcare? Is it because of Bob Saget? Nothing is explained. None if your arguments are corroborated.

    Saturday, 13-Dec-14 05:40:15 UTC from web in context