m14brony's status on Sunday, 24-May-15 08:52:54 UTC

  1. @metaltao Field stripping involves basic disassembly of the main components of a gun (for example, the frame, slide, barrel, and recoil spring of a pistol) for the purposes of cleaning and lubrication. Detail stripping involves disassembling every single component of the firearm (such detail stripping is often done for the purposes of parts replacement or cleaning every nook and cranny of a military surplus gun that has been stored for years).

    Field stripped Glock: http://www.glockmeister.com/images/field0.jpg

    Detail stripped Glock: http://rangehot.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Glock-17-12.jpg

    Sunday, 24-May-15 08:52:54 UTC from web in context