MetalTao (metaltao)'s status on Monday, 15-Jun-15 04:42:10 UTC

  1. @pandabear Who and or what is NGen? What is going to happen to that Orange haired girl? She was pretty much responsible for so much of what happened there. What were they doing in South America? And why did they have all white worker? Where was the Portuguese? Now.. I really loved how they seemed to realistically create or fill in the genome gaps effectively.. It was fantastic! And, I worry someone or a group f people out there will be all like, "STOP ALL TEH SCIENCE!" Again, after watching this ovie, so many people died, well, not too many.. I love how the Water Dino came back SO MANY TIMES! It was barely remembered and tehy made people forget about it so often that it made me laugh when ever it came back. Also, RIP British Girl.. We will never know your name.

    Monday, 15-Jun-15 04:42:10 UTC from web in context