adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Sunday, 05-Jul-15 22:10:53 UTC

  1. Something really unexpected happened in today's D&D session: my character was resurrected by a Daelkyr, which he accidentally released a long time ago and gathered a huge army during that time, and my group achieved to kill the Daelkyr and my character has the control over hundrets of grimlocks (twisted aberrations with no eyes). A Daelkyr is a powerful being from a plane of madness that wants to reconstruct the mortal plane to a plane of madness. The Daelkyr wanted to resurrect my character because he believed that my character would be evil and powerful enough to open the seals to the plane of madness. The Daelkyr's biggest flaw that he was too trusting.

    Sunday, 05-Jul-15 22:10:53 UTC from Choqok