Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Monday, 14-Sep-15 23:12:02 UTC

  1. @ellistia Yeah, I'm going to a career college for audio engineering and a large portion of my curriculum deals with professions in the music industry, so I can certainly sympathize with the prospect of having to reconcile your passion with potentially stable employment. I myself am still not entirely sure what I'm going to end up doing when I graduate, but I'll hopefully fall into something I can enjoy doing. I guess maybe your best bet is to shoot for graphic design and continue your art on the side and see if you can work your way from there. The stress is sadly another issue entirely though, and one that is really difficult to provide any simple answers too (especially since recently I myself have been very stressed trying to balance all of my coursework with my current job).

    Monday, 14-Sep-15 23:12:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context