heartstring's status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:49:50 UTC

  1. @noizybrony Hm. I think to begin with you might want to go with the clean tone with just a bit of reverb, that always sounds really nice. Make sure you cut the lower frequencies, say, roll off at about 300 Hz, that will keep it warm without being overwhelming. Then, if you still want the distortion, add it slowly. I bet that you will find that less is more with distorted vocals. I remember once I was recording vocals for a post-rock song, and just for a joke i turned the distortion up a little too far and nearly deafened myself XD. Anyways, I hope I was helpful, good luck with the song! Do you have a soundcloud account or something like that? I would love to hear it when you are done!

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:49:50 UTC from web in context