A Big Pony (bigpony)'s status on Friday, 15-Jan-16 14:01:44 UTC

  1. @northernnarwhal I thought EWBAITE tried too hard to sound like a lot of their earlier stuff and ended up coming off kind of bland. There are a couple songs I do like a lot on there, but I felt it was weak overall. I've always liked everything they've released because Weezer is, in large part, a product of their evolving status and the musical trends and EWBAITE felt like they were tying to stop that so it felt insincere. The White Album songs feel like they're stopping in a more ambiguous spot in terms of subject matter and diversifying sound-wise so I look forward to it. The thing with the colored albums is that they're each very distinctive in their sound so I just hope they capture that again.

    Friday, 15-Jan-16 14:01:44 UTC from web in context