Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:32:38 UTC

  1. @critialcloudkicker Wait, this is kinda circular logic, no ? What I meant @bobo that when you are making an arguement against ( for instance ) mold and mildew when going in a bachelors appartment should be a valid one. I really do not think that ANYONE would ever be pro mildew or mold in relation to living environments, although the "yeah I do not have time for that" excuse might stand up versus anyone but your parents. However when you advertise your house as a "museum of mildew" and then people start to write reviews online about how mildew and mold is bad for you and how you should stay away. That is where I draw the line, you are obviously going to find mildew and mold in a "mildew and mold museum". Does that mean we should get rid of the museum, or change the museum, because some people are incapable of doing their homework ahead of time ? ... Pretty sure that is how "nanny state's" developed. And people whine about those too, People can't win

    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:32:38 UTC from web in context