Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Mar-16 00:39:07 UTC

  1. @nerthos I couldn't even find The Force Awakens in 2D, and that is even HALF of what I am currently asking. And since the whole "cinema experience" is about as "immersive" as wearing horse-blinders in a room full of mute mildly sedated children anyway, i sort of wonder why people bother to pay as much for it as they do. ... Also 3D is probably the biggest global ripoff since "sign up now and waive administrative fee" gym memberships. Pretty sure the numbers are en-part too. about 1 in every 10 movies the gym-membership/3d-effects get used on a "not absolutely terrible level, might even be good it/he/she did not reek so much"

    Wednesday, 02-Mar-16 00:39:07 UTC from web in context