Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 15:15:25 UTC

  1. I think the exposure to the internet has somewhat made me a pessimist. I just saw and I am in 2 minds about this. Yes I think that people should use their voice to stand up for gender equality. However at the same time I know what happens in youtube-comments and about way-too-much channels who slander anyone who does not agree with whatever they stand for.

    I would personally would be way happier about a campaign about "etiquette for humans, how to be well-recieved" and "diplomacy and you, how to get what you seek". Oh and throw in a "people for equality day" while you are at it.

    Sadly, I think we live in a world where exposure is more important than the message. And being kind to one-another gets thrown out in favor of possible results. *sigh*... Did I mention the internet is turning me somewhat into a pessimist ? Probably more of a realist, and the world is just too darn negative. Excuse me for ranting my rant, feel free to deposit 2 cents

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 15:15:25 UTC from web