Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Saturday, 02-Apr-16 23:23:40 UTC

  1. I just talked to someone who said he is not looking to replace his 6 year old computer because he does not have the money, when asked what he would want if he did had the money he pointed out to a 3000 Euro ( 3400 USD with current exchange rate ) machine on the Medion Website ( ), when confronted with howmuch of a bad idea this is... Well lets just say that there is not really much reasoning possible with this person about this particular subject. "I'd rather buy a solid brandname computer and be done with it" *sigh* yeah but... this is like buying a diamond hammer for that 1 nail you need to pound, not to mention being ripped off from the get-go.

    Saturday, 02-Apr-16 23:23:40 UTC from web