Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 23:25:58 UTC

  1. @m14brony That is not what I was saying at all. I was saying that the only way to ensure that only people who pass a mental and criminal test are able to have guns is to give those tests periodically. That has to cost a lot of resources, so that is probably not going to happen. And if you were to implement just that then you have the pitfall problem that many banana republics fell into, and that is to reserve the right to call up anyone who owns a gun to defend your country from [agressors/criminals/ufo's/nazi's/zombies/ or pick your own from the history books ]. It however was an ad-absurdum reference to history seen as how paranoid actual gun owning conservatives seem to be about even the possibility of a governmental owned database of people who own firearms

    And, you are correct, the Swiss army is not a pseudo-military style regime. They operate more on a level akin to conscription and those who have done service have earned their perks ( if my memory serves me well enough )

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 23:25:58 UTC from web in context