Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 08:24:28 UTC

  1. @m14brony Yes, but they have a system where near everyone has gotten military training and where they have a proper health system. Meanwhile in the USA you have a system where everyone is allowed to have guns regardless of training ( possible beehive, this issue is actually adressed in some state law ). And if you wanted to see how good and proper the health system works for people who have served in the USA just compare the amount of military deaths versus the amount of veterans who commit suicide. BTW I am convinced that those numbers would be lower if more people went through at least basic training so that there would be more relate able empathy from everyone ( the common man & the health professional, and everyone in between )... In essence, over in Switzerland, they have essentially turned "the band of brotherhood" into a self-serving part of their society. You can not use that in the USA because there are so many different flocks of life. You'd need a bigger&broader system

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-16 08:24:28 UTC from web in context