Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jun-16 13:28:23 UTC

  1. @pennyfortheguy Here in the Netherlands we have something called "bob" ( Have a nice commercial which I'm sure you can understand without speaking Dutch ). Which is mostly if not only motivated around driving home safely. And yes, it works. However it would also work as a Psychopath and Sociopath detergent. The only problem is, how are you going to find your "bob" ? Finding one person who is willing to order "cassis" instead of beer ( as in that commercial, since it is a softdrink ) is hard. Finding 2 people who are willing to actually do so, wow, then charisma really is your dumpstat.

    Saturday, 18-Jun-16 13:28:23 UTC from web in context