Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Monday, 20-Jun-16 18:05:04 UTC

  1. @ovrclockd Well, if you want to talk about that... Yeah, I know pretty much every big American news organization is trying to work 'their' narrative into their output. Perhaps that is why my un-american brain goes over a news article/item like that very differently. I hope everyone can see that in the first couple of seconds as they open with "family fun, decided to use a gun". I guess those who can not see who/what is trying to manipulate whom by pushing a narrative is how the real problems emerge.

    Also whether or not you want firearms in the hands of children, you have to make sure that firearms are respected for the proper reason. Reason being that in the right hands they are tools to take someones life, or your own in the wrong hands. I do not think that any political viewpoint ( except maybe anarchism ) would see it as a bad thing to make sure the proper respect is enforced... It probably the "how do we do that ?" answers that make people antsy

    Monday, 20-Jun-16 18:05:04 UTC from web in context